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woomy-arras.io Wiki
Incognito This entity has been lost from the game.
This entity was lost from the game due to a historical game deletion event; the article is retained for historical purposes or in case it is re-added. While you cannot encounter this entity anymore, any relevant information would be useful to add to the wiki.

The Mini Solar Eclipse is a Tier-5 tank that upgrades from Ranger at Level 60.


The Mini Solar Eclipse has a circular body with a ranger barrel at the front of the tank. On top of the tank, the Mini Solar Eclipse has a cruiser auto turret on top.


The ranger barrel has a slightly higher RoF compared to a normal ranger's. As for the cruiser auto turret, it will aim at the nearest and strongest players, similar to normal auto turrets.


The Mini Solar Eclipse was first added to the beta TESTBED tanks branch on 2 Feb 2021, with the current design suggested by PS3_33. It was later added to the normal game on 15 Feb 2021.


This tank upgrades form the Ranger Ranger at Level 60. It is a Tier-5 tank and hence cannot upgrade any further.


Strong against[]

Far away tanks, tanks with low DPS/RoF/movement speed/FoV.

Weak against[]

Close tanks(Especially Multishot branch), tanks with high DPS/RoF+high bullet health/penetration, drone/minion users

As the Mini Solar Eclipse[]

  • Always watch out for sneak-ups, otherwise you're basically screwed.
  • Check for any tanks on the edge of your FoV for precise distancing between you and your opponents.
  • If a Pounder branch is spotted from afar, it is almost certainly a 'free kill' for you as you can shoot it out of its FoV while dodging its bullets. They also have relatively low DPS/RoF, so use this to your advantage as well.
  • ALWAYS USE YOUR AUTO TURRET to hunt down enemies behind rocks.
  • Most importantly: NEVER wage fights with drone/minion users. Get 2 points of movement speed to have an opportunity of running.

Against the Mini Solar Eclipse[]

  • Rammers often don't stand a chance against the Mini Solar Eclipse, even though they tend to stay as the defensive. Try to find it caught off-guard and this would be your chance. Jump Smasher and Gleamer branch are most capable of these.
  • As a drone user, try to use your drones as a shield while getting close, and then repel all your drones to the Mini Solar Eclipse. A similar strategy can be applied to minion users, but do NOT repel your minions as you would remain defenseless quickly.
  • Fast bullet spammers also stand a chance against the Mini Solar Eclipse, just make sure you get close enough.


  • This tank was an idea by Abyss.


Main Game Tanks
Tier 1 (Lv. 1) Basic
Tier 2 (Lv. 15) Auto-2 • Auto-Basic • Basebrid • Director • Flank Guard • Inceptioner • Lancer • Machine Gun • Mini Grower • Minishot • Pelleter • Pounder • Propeller • Single • Sniper • Subduer • Trapper • Twin
Tier 3 (Lv. 30) Airscrew • Arachnid • Basiception • Cruiser • Equalizer • Hunter • Inferno • Mega-2 • Poundbrid • Punt Gun • Rifle Full List
Tier 4 (Lv. 45) Full List
Tier 5 (Lv. 60) Full List
Event Developer • Sentries • Removed Tanks (TESTBED) • TESTBED • Developer (Tank) • Beta Tanks (TESTBED)
Developer-Exclusive Tanks
Bosses • Arena Closer