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woomy-arras.io Wiki

Pentagons are purple passive shapes with five sides. They have 50 health and give 500 experience. There are numerous variants of pentagons, all are equal or stronger. Pentagon variants include Green Pentagon, Orange Pentagon, Beta Pentagon and Alpha Pentagon. Pentagons can evolve from triangles, but also naturally spawn in the Pentagon Nest very commonly.


The Pentagon is present in Diep.io, Arras.io and Woomy-Arras.io. It is an original shape. Beta Pentagons are present in Arras.io.

Shiny Pentagons were added on 28 May 2018. On 16 September 2018, Shiny Beta Pentagons were added. Pentamancers were added on 7 September 2019, and were able to infect almost any type of pentagon, except for Alpha Pentagons.


Pentagons are purple equilateral pentagons.


Pentagons have 50 health and give 500 experience, and can be infected by Pentamancer.

Pentagon evolves into the following:


Pentagon gives pretty good amount of experience, which makes it a viable source of experience up to the fifth tier. It can be very useful at the beginning of the game, as it will give you multiple levels. If you are a higher tier tank, you may go to the pentagon nest to start farming pentagons there until you reach fifth tier. Generally, do not try to ram pentagons as you may lose some health or lose viable ramming health as a rammer if enemy appears.

Simple Shapes EggSquareTrianglePentagonBeta Pentagon
Splitter Shapes Splitter SquareSupersplitter SquareSplitter PentagonSplitter HexagonSplitter Decagon
Green Shapes Green Square • Green Triangle • Green Pentagon • Green Beta Pentagon
Orange Shapes Orange Square • Orange Triangle • Orange Pentagon
Golden Shapes Golden Egg • Golden Nonagon • Golden Icosagon
Alpha Shapes Alpha PentagonAlpha HexagonAlpha HeptagonAlpha OctagonAlpha NonagonAlpha Decagon
Sanctuary Spawned Shapes Giant EggGiant SquareGiant TriangleGiant PentagonBowed Sanctuary SquareGolden EggSnowball
Removed HexagonHeptagonOctagonNonagonDecagonIcosagon
Special Black Pentagon
Normal Egg SanctuarySquare SanctuaryTriangle SanctuaryPentagon SanctuaryGolden SanctuaryCrasher SanctuaryBowed SanctuarySnowball Sanctuary
TESTBED Mega Sanctuary