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woomy-arras.io Wiki

The Pentamancer is a Tier 5 tank that upgrades from Necromancer Necromancer at level 60.


The Pentamancer is a Pentagon with a drone spawner on each side. Its drones are known as "Tortillas" and they are shaped like Pentagons.


The Pentamancer has drones similar to those of Trimancer Trimancer or Eggmancer Eggmancer, because they infect and control any pentagons which they touch except Alpha pentagons and above. They can infect rare versions of pentagons too.


The Pentamancer upgrades from the Necromancer Necromancer at level 60. It does not upgrade any further, as it is Tier 5.


As the Pentamancer[]

  • You can get many Tortillas by farming in the Pentagon Nest.
  • You can use a tactic called Bot-Farming, where you ambush unsuspecting A.I.s with your superior range.
  • In Boss Rush, gather many pentagons in the Pentagon Nest and send them all towards a boss.

Against the Pentamancer[]

  • Use a Sniper Sniper-Class tank to drain its health from afar.
    • Try to use an Owl Owl branch to outrun its sunchips if you want to use this strategy.
  • If you are aware of a Pentamancer around, destroy any Pentagon Sanctuaries that may spawn to deprive them of a significant food source.


  • This tank was an idea by Cupcake.


Main Game Tanks
Tier 1 (Lv. 1) Basic
Tier 2 (Lv. 15) Auto-2 • Auto-Basic • Basebrid • Director • Flank Guard • Inceptioner • Lancer • Machine Gun • Mini Grower • Minishot • Pelleter • Pounder • Propeller • Single • Sniper • Subduer • Trapper • Twin
Tier 3 (Lv. 30) Airscrew • Arachnid • Basiception • Cruiser • Equalizer • Hunter • Inferno • Mega-2 • Poundbrid • Punt Gun • Rifle Full List
Tier 4 (Lv. 45) Full List
Tier 5 (Lv. 60) Full List
Event Developer • Sentries • Removed Tanks (TESTBED) • TESTBED • Developer (Tank) • Beta Tanks (TESTBED)
Developer-Exclusive Tanks
Bosses • Arena Closer
