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The Twin Sniper is a Tier 3 Tank upgrading from the Twin and the Sniper at level 30.


The Twin Sniper has a circular base with two long guns in front. These guns are slightly shorter than the Sniper's but are longer than the Twin's, looking to be about the average of the two lengths. They are placed and spaced apart identically to the Twin's barrels, and are the same width too.


Like the Sniper, the Twin Sniper has increased FoV and strong, fast bullets. The Twin Sniper's two guns let it fire at a much faster rate as well. However, like the Twin, they are both offset slightly which may make aiming a bit awkward.


Upgrades from[]

Upgrades to[]


As the Twin Sniper[]

  • The Twin Sniper has characteristics of both the Twin's reload and the Sniper's power.
  • Lead your shots to account for enemy tanks' movement, especially when fighting at a long distance.
  • The Twin Sniper can take on enemies at close range better thanks to its high rate of fire, but still will struggle somewhat.
  • Use your higher FoV to avoid tanks stronger than you and engage with tanks you're strong against.
  • Stack your bullets to make act like a sniper. This is better than not stacking in some cases.

Against the Twin Sniper[]

  • Drone tanks can easily overwhelm a Twin Sniper even with its increased firepower. Beware of the Twin Sniper firing back, though!
  • Tanks with strong firepower can overpower the Twin Sniper's bullets and force them to retreat.
  • Mobile tanks can outmaneuver the Twin Sniper's shots and get close.


Main Game Tanks
Tier 1 (Lv. 1) Basic
Tier 2 (Lv. 15) Auto-2 • Auto-Basic • Basebrid • Director • Flank Guard • Inceptioner • Lancer • Machine Gun • Mini Grower • Minishot • Pelleter • Pounder • Propeller • Single • Sniper • Subduer • Trapper • Twin
Tier 3 (Lv. 30) Airscrew • Arachnid • Basiception • Cruiser • Equalizer • Hunter • Inferno • Mega-2 • Poundbrid • Punt Gun • Rifle Full List
Tier 4 (Lv. 45) Full List
Tier 5 (Lv. 60) Full List
Event Developer • Sentries • Removed Tanks (TESTBED) • TESTBED • Developer (Tank) • Beta Tanks (TESTBED)
Developer-Exclusive Tanks
Bosses • Arena Closer